...and thought....hmmmm...I could probably make something similar for a lot less than $45. I came up with this:
PB Inspired Crib Mobile Tutorial:
9 sheets of heavy 8 1/2" x 11" cardstock (I used 3 sheets of 3 colors)
1 small wooden dowel
1 10" embroidery hoop
4 small tacks
4" by 42" of scrap fabric
glue gun and glue stick
Clear Monofilament
1. To prepare the hoop, my helper cut 2 pieces of the dowel to the same measurement of the diameter of the hoop. Next, he crisscrossed them and, using pliers, inserted the tacks into place from the outside of the hoop. We didn't not take pictures of this step, but this is what you should have:
2. I chose to cover the hoop with some of the fabric that I used in the nursery. You could also leave it as is or paint it. To cover it, I cut 2 strips of fabric about 2" by the length (about 42" from bias to bias). If you use a larger hoop, you will need more strips. I began with a dab of hot glue, and simply wrapped the fabric around the hoop.
3. To cut out the shapes, I used my handy-dandy Silhouette Cameo. If you don't have one, you could certainly cut shapes out by hand, but it's going to take awhile. I made my shapes about 4" by 2 1/2", and was able to cut about 6 per page. I chose 3 (a dog, snail, and turtle) shapes and cut 1 different color page for each shape (so I ended up with 6 blue dogs, 6 white dogs, 6 grey dogs, etc.). Since I used my Silhouette, I just added a little dot to the top of each shape to act as a hole punch for hanging. If you cut them by hand, you will need to use a small hole punch.
4. To string the shapes, I cut approximately 30" of clear monofilament. I randomly chose a shape to be on the bottom and tied about 3 knots.
Next, I slid another shape on and just secured it with one knot about 2 inches above the first shape. I tried my best to alternate between colors and shapes.
I repeated this for each shape. I decided to make 1 strand with 6 shapes for the center of the mobile, 4 strands with 5 shapes to tie on each section of the cross, and 8 strands of 4 shapes to tie 2 onto each quarter of the outside. To keep the strands from tangling while working, I taped them to a wall.
5. For the final step, you may want to find a patient buddy. I had my husband hold the mobile as I tied each strand on. I secured each strand with about 4 knots. I found it handy to keep a pin near by in the event that I needed to untie a strand. This step was a bit hectic with no free hands for photos. Just keep tying with the longest strands towards the center. You will need to find a way to hang this bad boy. Apparently the PB ones don't come with hangers. I plan on tying 4 long strands of monofilament where each of the dowels meet the hoop and attaching the whole thing to a hook in the ceiling. I'm holding off on that step until I have the crib in place so I know how high to hang it.
The final product:
Hope you had a nice weekend!