On Being Erika
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
One Year!
This past year has crawled and flown by all at the same time.
You have blossomed into the most perfect, happy little one year old any Momma could ask for.
Your brain has been working on overdrive this month. You are waving, clapping, and pointing up a storm! You can also show me where your belly button is and you LOVE to play "how big is Elliott?!"
Everyone keeps asking if you're walking yet. You're not and I'm perfectly ok with that. Feel free to hold off until we get settled into the new house. You do, however, still love your push walker. If you can't find it, it's ok though, you push the coffee table, highchair, dining room furniture--whatever you can find--around instead. You just recently started to take a few steps holding our hands, but you only like to hold one hand at a time to walk side-by-side.
You still eat like a bird. You must have inherited that from Aunt Alicia, because you definitely didn't get that from us. Recently, you started throwing all of your food on the floor. The other day, you successfully threw a half of a banana directly into Yoda's mouth. Needless to say, the doggies have been very happy lately. A little fatter, but definitely happier.
We switched you to whole milk and you don't seem to mind. I think you are used to drinking different things since we've had to switch your formula 1,345 times since you've been born.
Baby Angel, since you've been born, you've changed our lives for the better. We laugh now, thinking, "what did we used to do all the time?!" You're on my mind 24/7, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You're absolutely perfect. Thanks for being you, Mister Man.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
First Hair Cut
After having Elliott's Easter pictures taken, it became evident that my little angel needed his hair cut. Though I was trying to wait for his one year birthday to cut his hair, I was receiving enough nagging from some unnamed people, that I decided to go ahead and take the plunge.
We had heard from a friend that there was a place called Snip-Its about and hour south in Cicero, NY. It was a fantastic place for a first haircut. If you live near a location, I highly recommend it.
As expected, the cut had it's ups and downs. He didn't mind the big clipper, but the scissors and the little clipper elicited some tears. Here are some of the one million photos that we took of the experience:
Sunday, April 7, 2013
11 Months
We'll start with the downs.
You developed a nasty cold towards the end of last month that lasted for weeks. During that time, you were extra-cuddled and snuggled, and for the first time, you actually liked it.
And then it backfired.
You started to require rocking to go to bed. And then you realized, 'if I wake up crying in the night, I bet Mom will cuddle me then too!' And like a sucker, I fell for it. Somehow or another, we've started a routine where you cry in the middle of the night, I lose track of time and space and find myself deliriously waking from your floor at 4:00 in the morning. My hip hurts, kid. Enough of this already.
On the upside, you could not be more adorable if you tried.
And you have turned into such a ham. When we are out and about, you flirt with everyone! Old ladies seem to be an especially easy target for you. You bat your eyes, lower your chin, and grin from ear to ear, flashing those eight teeth!
You are learning new things by the minute. In one day alone, you learned how to wave and point. Amazing. The waving now futher helps to lure the old ladies to the cart while we are grocery shopping.
You also recently figured out how to put things into things. For a while there, I thought you were taking after Mommy because you were getting so good at taking everything out all over the house and not putting anything back. Now, I find dog toys in your Poppity Dino, bath toys in your bath cup, blocks in your cookie jar toy, balls in the dog bowls, and once, you even placed your self into your bath tub!
You're much more interactive at Stroller Strides now, after sleeping through the first six months of class. You giggle when Mommy runs around and does burpies, and the other day, you had a ball playing "music" with the other babies! You even crawled up into the action with the older babies to see what they were up to.
Still not walking, but you are a master cruiser. You were cruising along with me, holding on to the vacuum as I was vacuuming the other, but I was worried that you'd fall so I went to move your hands. Rather than sitting down, like I figured you'd do, you just stood. We looked at each other with shock until you casually lowered yourself to the ground. You did it one more time too.
Ninety-eight percent of the time, you are just all smiles. I can't believe you are going to be one next month! How the time flies! Thanks for being you, little monkey.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Easter Weekend
On Friday, after stopping at the outlets, I met them at one of my favorite North Country (really Finger Lakes) spots, Three Brothers Winery in Hector, NY. We had lots of fun tasting ALL the yummy wines and
On Saturday, we took a scenic driving tour of the North Country since Uncle Adam has never been here. Our first stop was at Westcott State Park where we hopped out to check out the beach of Lake Ontario.

On Easter, we found that the Easter Bunny and Grandma Becky and Grandpa Ken and Emmie and Aunt Al had all brought Easter Baskets for Little Man. He had lots of fun digging through and finding surprises.

Then, after a quick swim at the hotel pool, we enjoyed an Easter feast.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Ten Months!
You're ten months old!
This month was spent zooming around. You are fast like lightening at crawling. I leave you in one room, walk across the house, and suddenly you appear right behind me. It's freakish! You also discovered the stairs this month. You get halfway up before you become overtaken with terror and need rescuing.
You can now pull up gracefully on everything, and you can just as smoothly lower yourself back down. This is a nice departure from needing to be saved from standing every five seconds. You are also cruising around. Unfortunately, our space is so limited that you don't have very far to cruise.
You have started imitating noises from Mommy and Daddy's mouth. You make a "kiss" sound, and you also cluck your tongue to imitate chewing noises (I guess that means that we chew too loudly?!)
You are preferring finger foods this month. You are continuing to not want to hold your own bottle, and don't even TRY to offer you a sippy cup. It gets spilled all over the place and then pushed off your tray. Food also gets pushed off your tray frequently. I think you think it's fun to watch the
You are experiencing stranger danger. When Emmie came to visit, you wouldn't let her near you for a whole day. When Grandpa came the next weekend, you were a little faster to warm up. We had a lunch visit from an old co-worker of Mommy's today, and you weren't having any of that.
You love, love, love your board books. You can help Mommy turn the page, and your little finger goes straight for any fuzz or other "texture" embellishments. Your favorite seems to be "Brown Bear, Brown Bear," you make your signature happy monster noises throughout the entire book.
Maybe I haven't mentioned that....Elliott doesn't usually make cute noises. As my sister so nicely put it, he makes Poltergeist sounds. I think he might get that from me, my nickname was "Monster Baby" after all.
And in other news and milestones this month, Mommy and Daddy bought a house! The move back home is just around the corner! (Which means so is your first Birthday!)
Monday, March 4, 2013
So as my mother knows, I'm mildly obsessed with my latest creation, the Baby-in-the-hood Jacket from Handmade Beginnings by Anna Maria Horner.
I picked up the book over a year ago when our Borders went out of business. I thought the jacket was totes adorbs, but looked more involved than I wanted to tackle. A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out my craft closet when I came across the book and decided to make the jacket.
I don't know what I was thinking waiting so long! The pattern is awesome, the coat is precious, and I want to make about five more. Like right this minute.
I followed the recommendation of someone else and started by sewing the lining first, and I'm glad I did because I overlooked the topstitching on the sleeves. Otherwise I had no issues and only had to rip out about two inches of seam, which has to be a record.
For my almost-10-month mister, I made the 9-12 size, but in retrospect I should have made the 12-18 so he could wear it into the spring. It fits great now, but probably could stand to be lengthened a bit. I guess I'll have to make another. Oh darn!