Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween and a PSA

First, Happy Halloween!  We celebrated by having a special Halloween Day at Stoller Strides.  All the kiddos dressed up and looked adorable!

Back Row (left to right): pumpkin, Lollipop kid, Little owlie, cupcake
Bottom Row: princess and Batman

 We don't plan on trick-or-treating, but we will be handing out candy, probably with the fog machine.  

I was going to carve both of our pumpkins when I got home today, but I came home to doggie sickness all over the dining room floor.  I think it was probably enough mess for one day.  This is where the PSA comes in....

I'm not a big fan of spending unnecessary money, but this is a must have.  If you would have seen what I just dealt with, and you didn't have a SpotBot, you may have hurled yourself into moving traffic.  No joke.  You would have lost me today if it weren't for this guy.  

Go get one.  You'll thank me next time Fido leaves you a present.  I promise.  

Happy Halloween! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October in Kentucky

Earlier this month we took a trip down to Kentucky.  Little Man usually does great in the car, but then has a melt down when we get to our destination.

While we were in Kentucky, we got to do all sorts of fun things.  Grandma and Grandpa took us to an Apple Orchard off route 8. Elliott had fun posing for lots of pictures.

Grandma also dug out some of Jeff's old toys, and as it turns out toys from 20+ years ago are still plenty fun!

We also went to pick pumpkins with Emmie and Aunt Andi at Shaw Farm.  There were some cute farm animals to look at too!

I'm horrible at taking pictures of everything but we did all sorts of other fun things while home.  We went to our friend's Matt and Lexie's wedding, went to Lap Time at the Library with Lilly and Finley, went shopping at my favorite Jeffersonville Outlets and the new Jungle Jims, visited Emmie at work, had some fun family dinners, and Grandma and Grandpa were nice enough to have Elliott sleep over a couple of times so we could catch up on sleep!  It was a whirlwind 10 days, but we had fun!

Monday, October 29, 2012

First Food!

We recently hit another milestone in our house--solid food! 

These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago when we introduced oatmeal.  Since then, we have also added prunes.  He loves them! We plan on starting some veggies this week (that is, if the Frankenstorm doesn't get us first)!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Boo at the Zoo!

Yesterday looked like it was going to be a wash out, but the rain held out long enough for us to enjoy the Boo at the Zoo at Thompson Park Zoo.  It was the perfect opportunity for Elliott to display his Halloween costume made by yours truly.  After he was never able to wear his first owl hat, I decided to make one that actually fit his head and designed the rest of an owl costume around the hat.  We received lots of compliments on our home-grown costumed-cutie!  In the end, after all the positive feedback, I think Mommy had the most fun of all! :)

Here are some photos from our trip!

Hope you had a Happy Halloweekend!  We sure did!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Three Years!

It was a decade ago that we went on our first date--Stealing Harvard and some ice cream at UDF--and three years ago we finally tied the knot.

I'm one lucky girl!

Happy Anniversary to US!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Five Months!

Ok, it happened again.  I promise I wrote this post on time.  We even brought Elliott's outfit and photo blanket to Kentucky with us and Jeff took the photos.  He had planned on editing them when he flew home, but forgot his memory card in Kentucky.  I figured, I might as well finally post, 2 weeks later.  I'll get the pictures on

It seems like just yesterday I was writing your four month post--oh wait, that's because that's about how long it took to get your photos added.

Shortly after you turned four months old, you sprouted your second tooth!  We decided to let you try some oatmeal cereal, you weren't thrilled, but you weren't super excited either.  Because you continue to have some GI issues, we are going to hold off on any more solid food attempts for a bit longer.  Even though you aren't joining us in eating yet, dinner time has become quite a thrill with you lately.  You start to get a bit fussy at this time of day anyway, and lately you have wanted to be on our laps for dinner.  This would be fine, except you have recently started picking up EVERYTHING.  You sit on Daddy's lap and intently try to get the food off his plate.  When you realize that the food is just beyond your grip, you quickly grab his place mat.  And little Houdini, you are so very fast, you and Daddy have almost worn his dinner numerous times.  Luckily, Mommy has cat-like reflexes.

You are starting to get a kick out of other little baby people now too.   At the end of Stroller Strides class, if I get you out of your stroller you smile and reach for the other babies.  We babysat one of the other babies one day, and when he cried, you looked at me like, "Mom, should I be crying too?" and would then burst into fake tears.  Fortunately, you were easily soothed--wish we could say the same for your little buddy!

Another milestone you reached this month is the "tripod sit."  I think you are very close to sitting on your own!  Time to dig out the high chair!

For the other required monthly stats:

You finally fit into size 6 month clothing.  You can occasionally squeeze into those 3 months, but you are presently fitting perfectly into the 6 month.  I don't think it will be long before you're in the 6-12 or 9 month stuff (seriously, 6-12 Gap and Old Navy?  Get on Carter's bandwagon and get some 9 month clothes)!  You are now wearing size 3 diapers.  You are still eating 6 ounces, but now we're back to every 2 hours again.  Luckily, we have much less spit up, but now it comes at more unpredictable times (like as soon as I think the coast is clear and remove the bib).  You eat your last bottle around 5:30 PM and go to bed between 6:00 and 6:30 PM.  Lately you have been getting up with Dad in the morning around 5:30 AM so he can feed you and Mommy can sleep (Yay, Elliott!  Good decision!).

Little Buddy, you are so much fun!  Can't wait to see what next month brings (but in the meantime, please stop growing up!)


Monday, October 1, 2012


Yesterday we went on our first family trip to the pumpkin patch.  Now, this is just a practice run for the little guy as he has been invited to Aunt Andi's annual pumpkin patch outing!

I saw an ad on Facebook for a new pumpkin patch in the area, Massey Ranch.  It's their first year in operation and they are only open on Sundays.  It was drizzly at our house, but I thought we'd give it a go anyway.  The weather held out for us, and Elliott stayed awake for the whole thing!

We had a fun little afternoon--we rode the hayride out to the pumpkin field and back, found ourselves some nice pumpkins, had lots of people gush over our cute little pumpkin, and finished it up with some lunch at one of our favorite spots, Bella's in Clayton, NY.

All in all, a fun Sunday was had by all!