When did you become seven months old?
I will admit, there were a few months there when I couldn't wait for you to get older, learn some fun new trick, wear that cute outfit that didn't quite fit yet.
That is over. I want to freeze you in time right now. PLEASE STOP GROWING. And, goodness gracious, please don't start crawling! I'm not ready for you to be mobile just yet.
You couldn't be any more precious if you tried. You are becoming quite the little Mommy's Boy, but only Daddy can elicit those deep-down belly laughs from you. In addition to Daddy, you think your Yoda and Lyla are pretty funny too.
You are getting so into toys. We discovered the stacking rings this week. I'm pretty sure you are a genius baby because you immediately realized that picking the entire thing up and dumping it out is much more time efficient than taking the rings off one by one. You also love to bang things. You are so funny because while you love banging, your eyes flinch in anticipation of the noise you are about to produce. Speaking of you producing noises, you are very into the "th" and "f" sounds right now. Adorably, your favorite toys are your books. You are starting to help me turn the pages and you just love chewing on the corners!
Bath time has become much more exciting now ever since you learned about splashing. And Mommy really raised the bar when I started squirting you with your little squirt turtle. You laugh and laugh.
Napping has become crazy too. You take 2-3 naps per day, but who knows when, it's always a surprise! Trying to keep Mommy on her toes and prevent her from running errands, I think.
You are getting big. As much as I'm not ready, I think you are ready to crawl. When I stalk you on the
Seriously, kid, you're pretty great right now. Consider, just consider, not growing anymore. That would be great, thanks.
Another enjoyable update on Elliott, that made me laugh, but brought a couple of tears to my eyes too! He is growing too fast, but he is getting cuter by the minute!