1. The Foscam.

Move over old school monitors-- with this camera you can watch your little one from you smart phones or tablet, even in the dark! It's not marked as a baby monitor and it's cheaper than the video monitors from baby stores. We got ours online, probably from Amazon.
2. Summer Infant SwaddleMe Swaddlers

These things are a must if you are like me and incapable of swadddling with a blanket. They are less bulky than the Halo Swaddles, perfect for summer babies. The same brand makes really soft guaze blakets perfect for summer walks and keeing the sun off of your little.

Speaking of swaddling, my favorite thing to use under the swaddler is a Gerber T-shirt-- the ones that button down. It allows for easy access for quick diaper changes without having to mess around with snaps in the middle of the night.

The really thick ones. If you have a spitter on your hands, these make great burp cloths. They get softer and softer as you wash them (which will be often, buy lots).

I'm not sure if these are the exact ones we have, but they are awesome! We lay these down in the crib and on the changing table to catch spit and other bodily excretions, which prevents us from having to wash sheets every time we turn around. They come in square size and large rectangles. At six weeks old, we have already outgrown the squares (you need them to cover both ends if you know what I mean). Go for the rectangles.
6. Summer Infant SwaddleMe Muslin Blankets
These light-weight, super soft blankets are perfect for summer babies. Elliott likes to be swaddled or cuddled in his. They are also great to take on summer walks to cover up baby or to drape over the stroller to protect from the sun.
I'm sure this list will be changing as time progresses, but I just thought I'd share our must-haves for now. Perhaps this can help an expectant Mom with registering, because for us, that was a super overwhelming process!
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