Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ten Months!

Time is flying!

You're ten months old!

This month was spent zooming around.  You are fast like lightening at crawling.  I leave you in one room, walk across the house, and suddenly you appear right behind me.  It's freakish!  You also discovered the stairs this month.  You get halfway up before you become overtaken with terror and need rescuing.

You can now pull up gracefully on everything, and you can just as smoothly lower yourself back down.  This is a nice departure from needing to be saved from standing every five seconds.  You are also cruising around.  Unfortunately, our space is so limited that you don't have very far to cruise.

You have started imitating noises from Mommy and Daddy's mouth.  You make a "kiss" sound, and you also cluck your tongue to imitate chewing noises (I guess that means that we chew too loudly?!)

You are preferring finger foods this month.  You are continuing to not want to hold your own bottle, and don't even TRY to offer you a sippy cup.  It gets spilled all over the place and then pushed off your tray.  Food also gets pushed off your tray frequently.  I think you think it's fun to watch the crazy annoying devil vultures dogs swoop in for it.

You are experiencing stranger danger.  When Emmie came to visit, you wouldn't let her near you for a whole day.  When Grandpa came the next weekend, you were a little faster to warm up.  We had a lunch visit from an old co-worker of Mommy's today, and you weren't having any of that.

You love, love, love your board books.  You can help Mommy turn the page, and your little finger goes straight for any fuzz or other "texture" embellishments.  Your favorite seems to be "Brown Bear, Brown Bear," you make your signature happy monster noises throughout the entire book.

Maybe I haven't mentioned that....Elliott doesn't usually make cute noises.  As my sister so nicely put it, he makes Poltergeist sounds.   I think he might get that from me, my nickname was "Monster Baby" after all.

And in other news and milestones this month, Mommy and Daddy bought a house!  The move back home is just around the corner! (Which means so is your first Birthday!)

Monday, March 4, 2013


So as my mother knows,  I'm mildly obsessed with my latest creation, the Baby-in-the-hood Jacket from Handmade Beginnings by Anna Maria Horner.

I picked up the book over a year ago when our Borders went out of business.   I thought the jacket was totes adorbs, but looked more involved than I wanted to tackle.  A few weeks ago,  I was cleaning out my craft closet when I came across the book and decided to make the jacket.

I don't know what I was thinking waiting so long!  The pattern is awesome, the coat is precious, and I want to make about five more.  Like right this minute.

I followed the recommendation of someone else and started by sewing the lining first,  and I'm glad I did because I overlooked the topstitching on the sleeves.  Otherwise I had no issues and only had to rip out about two inches of seam,  which has to be a record.

For my almost-10-month mister,  I made the 9-12 size,  but in retrospect I should have made the 12-18 so he could wear it into the spring.   It fits great now,  but probably could stand to be lengthened a bit.   I guess I'll have to make another.  Oh darn!