Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Christmas Nursery

If you know me, you probably know that I'm a little nutty when it comes to Christmas decorations.  I'm THAT person who always decorates before Thanksgiving.  It's not that I don't like Thanksgiving, because I really do...I just see Thanksgiving as an appetizer for Christmas, if you will.

Anywho, a couple of weeks ago, Elliott's nursery got a Christmas makeover.

Remember when I gave you this sneak peak?

Well, this is what I was up to...

Yup, Elliott has Christmas bedding.  I thought I was being quite clever until I realized that Pottery Barn Kids has already thought of this.  Oh well, mine was a lot cheaper and made with love :)

You may also have noticed that this happened...

Fun fact: you can just take off whatever animals are hanging from your store bought mobile and replace them with cheap (unbreakable) ornaments!  yay!  

You may also have spotted this in the background:

Elliott has his very own Christmas tree!  I was worried that he might try to pull off any ornaments that I may hang, so I came up with some pom-pom garland that I strung myself.  

Finally, I remembered that I bought a little banner kit from Hancock Fabric last year, and I put that together one night.  Now, Elliott has a festive "Noel" sign hanging from his hutch.

He's a happy little peanut in his Christmas Nursery!


  1. I would be a happy peanut if I were him too! I have dreamed of doing some Christmas bedding, but haven't gotten passed the dream stage yet. So adorable! Great job!!

  2. Thanks Mica! I'll tell you what, those crib sheets are the easiest thing in the world to sew...a great beginner project! I got the tutorial for the first sheet I made here: http://www.danamadeit.com/2008/07/tutorial-crib-and-toddler-bed-sheets.html

    I meant to tell you, Elliott has that Fisher Price puppy too--he loves it!
