Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Six Months!

How is it humanely possible that Little Guy is six months old today?! It literally seems like we were driving to the hospital in the middle of the night just yesterday.  Also, how is it possible that we still haven't posted his five month pictures?!  To make matters worse, Elliott is usually sleeping when Jeff gets home on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so we might not even get to take his pictures today :/ fail.

At least I can still write about you...

I feel like this month Elliott has really blossomed.  He no longer sleeps the ENTIRE day (just a nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon).  He giggles A LOT!  Jeff said to me one day, "Elliott must take after you, I think I was a much more professional baby."  I could see that.  Funny.

We have moved onto solids this month.  It began out of a "GI necessity," if you will.  I don't think the poor child could drink anymore prune juice.  We have tried prunes, oatmeal, carrots, and sweet potatoes.  He has become a great eater!  He opens his little mouth so wide in anticipation--it's adorable.  He has to wear numerous bibs while eating, the top layer is usually used for chewing on and gets covered in baby food mush.

He began rolling from back to tummy this month (so now he rolls both ways).  I watch him at night on the video monitor--the little booger got Mommy's sleeping habits--he rolls all over the place!  He is still working on sitting.  He can sit on his own for a few seconds before violently throwing himself backwards.

He is getting BIG!  He is starting to wear 9 month or 6-12 month clothes.  He is getting too long for some of his six month stuff.  Except socks--kiddo must have big feeties because all of his socks are too small!  He's still in his size 3 diapers, and there is no indication that we will be going up a size too soon (at least let's hope not, because our next giant shipment of diapers just came in)!

The spitting up is finally on the outs.  He will still have about one incident a day, and when you least expect it, but it has gotten so much better.  Thank goodness!

I'm pretty sure Elliott is the happiest, most easy going baby of all time.  He is so much fun to play with, his laugh is infectious, and his smile can brighten a room!  I can't believe he's six months old--Happy Half Birthday, Little Man!


  1. Beautifully written, again. His smile truly can brighten a room, and your day! Who ever knew one little guy could bring so much happiness to so many....well, I kind of remember feeling the same way about 3 other little babies not so many years ago!

  2. Ditto to grandma Becky's post. You were a delightful baby...very happy and pleasant. Glad to know your son is such a treasure. And we need pictures!
